96 Andrew Tate Quotes on Motivation, Women, Money, Masculinity, Discipline & Success

Andrew Tate is a controversial internet personality who has attracted a massive following, especially among young men, for his brash opinions on money, masculinity, and relationships. While many find his views misogynistic and problematic, his rise to fame cannot be denied. Tate first gained attention as a kickboxer and reality TV star before leveraging social media to build his personal brand as an ultra-wealthy influencer offering “keys to success.”

In his content, Tate dispenses aggressive self-improvement advice to his predominantly male fans on how to get rich quick, gain confidence, and wield power over women. His tough, politically incorrect persona has resonated with millions of followers across platforms like TikTok and YouTube. Fans praise Tate for his wealth boasts, luxurious lifestyle displays, and telling-it-like-it-is attitude even in the face of backlash.

Critics, however, accuse Tate of promoting toxic masculinity, violence against women, and other dangerous ideas. Controversy surrounds many of his most popular quotes and soundbites. Still, supporters argue that the harsh delivery style belies more positive core messages about going after dreams.

Love him or hate him, Andrew Tate has clearly tapped into male anxieties and desires in the modern digital landscape. This collection of his 90 top quotes aims to showcase the brazen mindset and “Top G” success mentality that built his infamous personal brand and controversially loyal fanbase.

“I only surround myself with people that have the same mindset as me. Breakthrough thinking.”

Summary: Seek out like-minded people.

“I don’t have to force myself to do things because I programmed my mind in a way where hardship seems enjoyable.”

By: Andrew Tate

Summary: Train your mindset to enjoy hard work.

“If you wanna be rich, you gotta think rich.”

By: Andrew Tate

Summary: Adopt an abundant mindset.

“Winners focus on winning. Losers focus on winners.”

By: Andrew Tate

Summary: Keep your eyes on your goals.

“Stop being scared of offending people and worrying about political correctness.”

By: Andrew Tate

Summary: Speak your truth without fear.

“There is no such thing as luck. Only good preparation meeting opportunity.

By: Andrew Tate

Summary: Luck comes from diligent preparation.

You can’t help poor people by becoming one of them.”

By: Andrew Tate

Summary: Take care of yourself first.

“Build your own dreams or someone will hire you to build theirs.”

By: Andrew Tate

Summary: Be the architect of your ambitions.

“Comfort breeds weakness.”

By: Andrew Tate

Summary: Avoid complacency.

“You can’t reason with lazy.”

By: Andrew Tate

Summary: Don’t waste time debating the unmotivated.

“Act first, think second.”

By: Andrew Tate

Summary: Take bold action. Analysis paralysis gets you nowhere.

“Surround yourself with people that push you to greatness.”

By: Andrew Tate

Summary: Seek driven, positive people. Your circle impacts your psychology.

“Sacrifice today for a better tomorrow.”

By: Andrew Tate

Summary: Delayed gratification and long-term vision are key.

“Assumptions make an ass out of you and me.”

By: Andrew Tate

Summary: Question your biases.

“Average people don’t get statues built of them.”

By: Andrew Tate

Summary: Ordinary is forgettable. Do legendary work.

“You can be the ripest, juiciest peach and there will still be people that hate peaches.”

By: Andrew Tate

Summary: You can’t please everyone. Stay true to yourself no matter what.

“If you want to fly with eagles, don’t mix with chickens.”

By: Andrew Tate
Summary: Associating with mediocre people holds you back from greatness.

“Winners are not afraid of losing. But losers are. Failure is part of the process of success. People who avoid failure also avoid success.”

By: Andrew Tate

Summary: Embrace failure en route to your wins. Fear of failure causes more harm than failure itself.

“Do not stop when you are tired. Stop when you are done.”

By: Andrew Tate

Summary: Persist through exhaustion and obstacles. Grit matters most.

“You should wake up every day expecting and demanding greatness from yourself.”

By: Andrew Tate

Summary: Adopt champion mindset of continual self-improvement.

“Work harder on yourself than you do on your job.”

By: Andrew Tate

Summary: Personal development should be your top priority. Professional skills follow.

“Discipline equals freedom.”

By: Andrew Tate

Summary: Through rigorous self-control, you liberate yourself.

“It’s very hard to fail when everyday you focus on being better than you were yesterday.”

By: Andrew Tate

Summary: Incremental progress through self-competition compounds mightily over time.

“Winners don’t make excuses. Winners make adjustments.”

By: Andrew Tate

Summary: Overcome setbacks through solution-focused thinking. No complaining allowed.

“Do not waste time. Time is the currency of successful people.”

By: Andrew Tate

Summary: Manage your time with ruthless efficiency. It’s the world’s most precious, non-renewable resource.


Andrew Tate is undoubtedly one of the most controversial figures on the internet today. His brazen opinions and aggressive delivery style garner intense reactions across the spectrum. Supporters praise his success mindset inspiration and refreshing political incorrectness. Critics condemn his toxic rhetoric as dangerous propaganda that demeans women and fuels violence. Whichever side of the debate you land on, Tate has clearly tapped into a hunger among young men seeking direction in today’s complex, technology-fueled landscape of shifting gender dynamics and definitions of masculinity.

While debates will surely continue raging around the extent to which Tate’s viral soundbites promote harm, his rise seems symptomatic of broader societal issues that extend beyond one polarizing online persona. Feelings of disenfranchisement and powerlessness in systems stacked against the average person are what draw many into Tate’s orbit looking for perceived keys to success. The siren song of machismo, control, wealth, and fame entice his predominantly young male audience. And by pushing envelope with his bravado, Tate successfully manufactures attention and controversy online – convertible social currency in the influencer marketplace.

But behind the bombastic quote cards and hype lies an ethical reckoning. Impressionable minds deserve responsible guidance rooted in empathy, compassion and fact rather than dangerous fictions. No one person, no matter their confidence or charisma, has all the solutions. Yet with more unified calls for inclusive dialogue and leadership, the coming generation still has immense potential to shift cultural norms in ways unimaginable today. For now, the work continues one mind at a time.

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