Who Was Fletcher Cox’s Late Elder Brother Shaddrick Cox? How Did He Die?

The football world knows Fletcher Cox as the dominating defensive tackle for the Philadelphia Eagles and integral piece of the team’s famous 2017 Super Bowl Championship. However, behind the scenes, Fletcher draws daily motivation from the memory of his late elder brother, Shaddrick Cox, who died tragically in a car accident at just 22 years old.

Shaddrick Cox grew up with his younger brother Fletcher in their hometown of Yazoo City, Mississippi. Athletic talent ran deep in the Cox family – Shaddrick made his mark starring for the Yazoo County High School football team. More importantly, Fletcher looked up to his big brother as a mentor and guiding light. Shaddrick gave Fletcher advice and inspiration to excel both on and off the field.

How Did Shaddrick Cox Die?

In September 2009, just as Shaddrick’s own football career was taking off with a college scholarship, tragedy struck. Shaddrick Cox died in a devastating car accident on a Mississippi highway at the young age of 22. This loss shocked the Cox family and entire community. For Fletcher, losing his brother and father figure was emotionally shattering.

The Aftermath: Fletcher’s Tribute to His Brother

Losing Shaddrick so suddenly was devastating for the Cox family. As the younger brother, Fletcher took it especially hard. Channeling his grief, Cox has honored Shaddrick by establishing education scholarships and football camps for youth in their hometown.

Fletcher also pays tribute to his brother through his stellar NFL play for the Philadelphia Eagles. The team has become a family for Cox, helping him heal. Still today, writing “RIP Shadd” on his cleats before every game, Fletcher draws inspiration from his brother’s memory. He strives to make Shaddrick proud with his dominant defensive performance.

Key People Related to Shaddrick Cox’s Life and Death

  • Fletcher Cox: NFL Pro Bowl defensive tackle, Shaddrick’s younger brother
  • Yazoo County High School Football Team: Shaddrick was star player in high school
  • Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College: Shaddrick earned football scholarship here before passing away
  • The Cox Family: Parents and siblings close-knit family mourning tragic loss
  • Philadelphia Eagles: Current NFL team Fletcher plays for while honoring brother

While Shaddrick Cox’s life was cut far too short, his memory lives on through younger brother Fletcher’s success and tribute on and off the field. This tragic yet inspirational story reminds all families to cherish each moment they have together. Hopefully the legacy of Shaddrick Cox endures for generations to come.

Shaddrick Cox Had A Difficult Childhood

Shaddrick Cox Had A Difficult Childhood
Shaddrick Cox Had A Difficult Childhood

Growing up in Yazoo City, life was not always easy for Shaddrick Cox. He was raised by a single mother who worked tirelessly to support Shaddrick and his younger brother Fletcher. Money was tight and times were trying, but the Cox family persevered through it all.

Even as a kid, Shaddrick took it upon himself to help out around the house and protect his little brother. He had to grow up fast and take on responsibilities no child should have to bear. Still, those early adversities shaped Shaddrick’s resilience, work ethic, and desire to be a provider for his own family one day.

The difficulties Shaddrick faced made his accomplishments as a star athlete and caring brother all the more inspiring. He did not let hardship or loss define him. Rather, Cox channeled those experiences into bettering himself and setting an example for young Fletcher.

So while gifted on the football field, Shaddrick Cox faced more than his share of struggles off it. In the end, they only strengthened his selflessness and determination to build a bright future for his loved ones. Even after his death, brother Fletcher Cox continues honoring Shaddrick’s inspirational rise above.

Fletcher Cox Came From A Family of Four Siblings

Fletcher Cox Came From A Family of Four Siblings
Fletcher Cox Came From A Family of Four Siblings

Philadelphia Eagles defeensive tackle Fletcher Cox grew up in a full house of four siblings. Along with his elder brother Shaddrick, Fletcher has two sisters – Laportsha and Kimeisha.

The Cox kids were raised primarily by their devoted single mother, Malissa Cox. With little money to spare, times were often difficult for the family living in Yazoo City. As the man of the house, Shaddrick helped take care of Fletcher from a young age, becoming a father figure after their own dad was absent.

Fletcher always had Shaddrick there to teach him right from wrong, encourage him in sports, and nuture his talents. The elder Cox siblings all pitched in to help one another. As the youngest, Fletcher still felt the love and support that gave him strength even after losing brother Shaddrick in 2009.

To this day, Fletcher maintains a close relationship with sisters Laportsha and Kimeisha. The Cox bond and memories of Shaddrick still fuel Fletcher’s fire both on and off the field.

Fletcher Deeply Misses His Elder Brother Shaddrick

While beloved by the city of Philadelphia, Fletcher Cox often feels empty and alone without his brother Shaddrick by his side. Not a day goes by that Fletcher doesn’t think about the brother he lost and wish he could still turn to his childhood idol for wisdom.

Cox still visualizes Shaddrick’s face cheering him on from the stands during NFL games. He yearns to celebrate his career accomplishments with the brother who first taught him the sport. And the star defensive tackle would give anything to have Shaddrick back to seek advice from once more.

But fate robbed Fletcher of that chance far too soon. Off the field, Cox is often quiet and withdrawn, still immersed in grief over his brother’s premature death. The Eagles, his second family, provide comfort and support. But deep down Fletcher feels a piece of himself died with Shaddrick that tragic day.

Though the pain resurfaces in waves, Fletcher channels the love to succeed for Shaddrick’s memory. He strives each day to make his selfless, devoted brother proud – knowing that bond can never be broken no matter where Shaddrick’s spirit lives on.

His Family Left Devastated By the Tragedy

Shaddrick Cox left behind his heartbroken mother, siblings, young son T.J., and baby daughter when he passed away. For this already struggling but tight-knit family, losing Shaddrick at only 22 years old completely devastated them.

Their days now filled with tears where laughter once rang out. The light and joy Shaddrick radiated snuffed out, leaving them in darkness. And watching his family shattered in grief pains Fletcher the most – he feels helpless to comfort his mom and siblings.

Yet even engulfed in their own sadness, the Cox family still rallies to support one another. Fletcher forever strives to make Shaddrick’s memory proud and takes under his wing little T.J., who will now grow up without his devoted dad.

The family tragedy only strengthened the Cox’s resolve, united by love and loss. They know Shaddrick remains with them in spirit, guiding them towards brighter days ahead. His memory lives on through every cherished moment together.

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